What does it mean to
be a Lifeway Lion?
In Scripture, one of Jesus’ titles is Lion of Judah. This title means he is the king, strong and mighty. For Lifeway Students, It means that they are COURAGEOUS, BRAVE, HONEST, and DILIGENT.
We do not let fear hold us back from exploring new opportunities, developing our skills, and doing what is right.
Growing fully as a child of God requires taking risks. Lifeway Baptist School is a culture of grace and mercy when they experience mistakes as they take risks and move through the growing process.
We encourage honesty and integrity as fundamental values that students need to learn in order to develop into responsible and trustworthy individuals.
Students are encouraged to persist, giving the proper degree of effort required in a school environment.
A Summer Full of Activities
Lion's Camp is a summer full of fun, learning, and enriching activities. There’s never a dull moment! Check out some of the fun below.
Featured Activites:

The movies

Splash Pad / Pool

Field Trips